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Pick Up and Drop Off

Morning Drop Off Procedures

Parents are not to get out of their car when dropping off their child/children. Staff will be present on the blacktop and at drop off (no earlier than 7:45 AM) to assist with children.

Students are not to be dropped off at school before 7:45 AM.   We ask parents to drop their student/s off no earlier than 7:45 am as there is no adult supervision on the blacktop before that time.  The tardy bell rings at 7:55 a.m.  

If there is inclement weather, we will begin letting the students into the building at 7:45 am as our teachers contract time begins at 7:45 am. Students need to come in the door they would typically enter in the morning.

Students in grades K-3 (and older siblings) should be dropped off at the south driveway/pull-through.  Please stay in the far 2 right lanes to help with traffic flow.   Pull up, have your child get out (outer lane-an adult will help cross your child/children to the sidewalk).  An adult will direct your child/children to their line (older siblings can help younger siblings to their line and then go around the east side of the building to their line on the upper grade playground).

Students in grades 4-6 should be dropped off on the north side of the building where they will proceed to their line on the upper playground.  

Students that are eating breakfast at school, will pick up their breakfast on their way into the building at 7:55 am and eat in their classroom.  Please let your child know if they should be eating breakfast at school.  Families will be charged the same rate for breakfast as last year.

Click the link below to find where your child lines up in the morning.

Student Line Up on the Blacktop in the AM

After School Pick-Up Procedures

Please click on the following link to see the procedures. 

Pickup and Drop Off of Students

Document Download Library

Map of Adams Parking Lot and Line Ups